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$333/month for 6 months
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  • 4 concentrated topic areas of focus every 3 weeks centered around L.O.V.E.
  • ​12 leading-edge training modules delivered live in our private Facebook group
  • ​12 soul expansion assignments to accompanying each training
  • ​​12 Love Meditations to clear and prepare you to receive the teaching
  • Bi-weekly group calls to get your questions answered & connect you to your tribe of supporters
  • ​Members Only access to private Facebook Group to provide you with ongoing support and connection throughout the experience
  • ​Member’s Only Early Access to Dr. Karin’s other video trainings and PDFs
  • ​VIP access at Dr. Karin’s live events (retreats, workshops, etc.) that you choose to join

"Dr. Karin is an angel that inhabits Earth. I feel so lucky and blessed to have found her when I did. She is so spiritually aligned, kind-hearted, tells you what you need to hear in a way that's expressed Mama Bear style, and gives you no way out BUT to achieve your wildest dreams. 

You need her in your life! I would recommend her to anyone 100%. That is, ONLY if you're interested in making lasting changes in your life ;)."

Kathrin Zenkina, Founder of Manifestation Babe

“Karin blinks and you feel loved and seen. A few seconds into my first conversation with her, I couldn’t help but think, 'Can this woman see into my soul?' because she talks like she can – the eyes, the body language, the heart. 

She makes you feel important simply by being in her presence.”

Kelle Hampton, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Bloom
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