Have questions? Ask away: karin@doctorkarin.com
Lake Toxaway, NC
October 13 - October 16, 2019

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Order Summary
Total USD
$1997 - Pay In Full
$747/mo for 3 months (1st payment now, 2 additional payments, 30 days apart)
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NOTE: Price does not include travel or your accommodations. You will receive information in your confirmation email for booking your room at Greystone Inn or there are some airbnb's nearby you can look into on your own. 
  • Disconnect from your normal routine and the distractions of your busy life to focus solely on you.
  • ​Immerse yourself in the wild wonder of women that have gathered to be empowered and transformed under Dr. Karin’s leading edge guidance & 20+ years of experience
  • Relax and celebrate your soul awakening journey at our private attendee-only events including a lakeside Welcome Reception on Sunday evening and 2 Full Moon Ceremonies led by Dr. Karin and a gifted Shaman.
  • ​Fireside Rituals where you will become clear about what no longer belongs in your life and what you want to call in.
  • ​Full training in how to manifest exactly what you want in your life and how to live with an expectation of a new flow of abundance, power and freedom.
  • Morning tea, a gourmet working lunch, afternoon snacks and continuous tea and coffee provided from Monday to Wednesday
  • Wine and candles on top of the boat dock in the evening to toast the powerful ritual ahead and relax your mind and body as you gaze out onto the lake, bonding with your new tribe. 
  • ​Dr. Karin will walk you through the steps of spiritual connection with God and your Higher self to gain access to wisdom that will amplify your work, relationships and personal well-being.
  • ​Learn the steps to connect to and communicate with your angels and guides, and how to trust your own Inner Guidance
  • Rituals and group experiences focused on releasing negative beliefs from your life to magnify your self-confidence, connect you to your calling and bond you with women who truly get you.
  • Clarify which beliefs are truly yours, the ones that are true to your soul rather than ones that you inherited from family, friends and society. 
  • ​Discover how to work with the divine energy of the Earth, moon and stars to give you a new sense of connection and clarity.
  • ​Learn how to finally manifest and create the relationships that you truly want in your life.
  • A special journal to record your thoughts and experiences during the retreat, leading edge training materials, and a swag bag packed with beautifully mystical goodies to help ground you during your journey.
  • Plus, a few surprises meant to deepen your connection with yourself and others, ritualize your new beginning and make sure you are having heaps of fun doing it!
  • ​Express your creative side at our Fireside Full Moon Ritual by bringing a ceremonial outfit that shows the real spiritually wild you - anything goes!

"Dr. Karin is an angel that inhabits Earth. I feel so lucky and blessed to have found her when I did. She is so spiritually aligned, kind-hearted, tells you what you need to hear in a way that's expressed Mama Bear style, and gives you no way out BUT to achieve your wildest dreams. 

You need her in your life! I would recommend her to anyone 100%. That is, ONLY if you're interested in making lasting changes in your life ;)."

Kathrin Zenkina, Founder of Manifestation Babe

“Karin blinks and you feel loved and seen. A few seconds into my first conversation with her, I couldn’t help but think, 'Can this woman see into my soul?' because she talks like she can – the eyes, the body language, the heart. 

She makes you feel important simply by being in her presence.”

Kelle Hampton, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Bloom
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